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JMC Secure: a blog about security.

  • How to choose what type of Night Vision is best for my CCTV

    How to choose what type of Night Vision is best for my CCTV

    The three primary types of night vision for CCTV cameras are as follows: InfraRed (IR), White Light and a Hybrid version of IR and White Light combined. Each kind offers specific advantages in line with your security requirements. InfraRed night vision works with infrared light allowing to get a clear image in total darkness without being noticed. It…

  • How to reset Hikvision or Hilook Passwords – a Step by Step Guide.

    How to reset Hikvision or Hilook Passwords – a Step by Step Guide.

    Resetting passwords can be a complicated process, not for the faint-hearted, so do your best to make a note of your password and keep it safe. However, if you should forget you can use the below infographic to help you through the steps of resetting the passwords on your HiLook / Hikvision IP Cameras or…

  • 20 Of The Best Movies Featuring Surveillance

    20 Of The Best Movies Featuring Surveillance

    Today we have an entertaining infographic for you that we have designed that provides information about some of the top movies with surveillance as a theme or as a plot arc for you to check out. We searched through a page on Wikipedia about surveillance films and picked our favourites and then went to IMDb…

  • How Long Can an Ethernet Cable Be? Maximum Length Explained

    How Long Can an Ethernet Cable Be? Maximum Length Explained

    How Long Can an Ethernet Cable Be? Ethernet cables serve as the physical connection between your computer and the internet or local area network. These cables transmit data packets via copper wires, but signal degradation occurs due to resistance. As a result, all Ethernet cables have a maximum distance limit. Maximum Length: Regardless of category…

  • Does Ethernet Cable Affect Speed?

    Does Ethernet Cable Affect Speed?

    Does Ethernet Cable Affect Speed? In our connected world, internet speed is crucial. The type of Ethernet cable you use significantly impacts your internet speed. Let’s explore the different cable categories and their capabilities: Cat5 Cables: These were once the industry standard for Ethernet connections. They theoretically support speeds up to 100 Mbps, but with…

  • Can Wireless Cameras Work Without Internet?

    Can Wireless Cameras Work Without Internet?

    Can Wireless Cameras Work Without Internet? Wireless security cameras can indeed function without an internet connection, although their features may be limited compared to online cameras. Lets explore the possibilities: Wi-Fi Cameras: These cameras rely on Wi-Fi for communication. While convenient, they become useless without an internet connection. However, you can still capture images and…

  • Country with most cctv: Nations with most surveillance cameras

    Country with most cctv: Nations with most surveillance cameras

    The Top 10 Countries with the Most CCTV Cameras In pursuit of enhanced security, many nations have embraced widespread CCTV surveillance, blanketing cities with watchful cameras. This trend has ignited debates weighing public safety against personal privacy and civil liberties. Let’s delve into the countries at the forefront, exploring their motives, the impact on citizens,…

  • Can Tenants Install Security Cameras in the UK?

    Can Tenants Install Security Cameras in the UK?

    Can Tenants Install Security Cameras in the UK? Introduction Home security is a valid concern for many tenants in the UK. However, the rules around installing security cameras can be a bit murky. In this article, we’ll explore the legal considerations, potential benefits, and best practices to help you make an informed decision about securing…

  • Is watching employees on camera illegal in uk? Let’s find out

    Is watching employees on camera illegal in uk? Let’s find out

    Workplace surveillance has become commonplace, but employers must navigate legal nuances to ensure their monitoring practices are justified and respectful of employee privacy. Let’s explore the do’s and don’ts of using CCTV cameras in the workplace. Legal Framework for Employee Surveillance in the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA): This legislation incorporates the General Data…

  • Can Parents View School CCTV Footage in the UK?

    Can Parents View School CCTV Footage in the UK?

    Schools across the UK increasingly rely on closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems for security and monitoring purposes. As a parent, you might wonder about your rights to access this footage. While there is no automatic entitlement, certain circumstances allow parents to view CCTV recordings. In this article, we explore the legal framework, parental rights, and practical…

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