If you’re currently caught in two minds wondering whether you really do need to invest in a CCTV setup for your business, we’ve come up with five great reasons why we think every business out there needs CCTV.
1. It acts as a deterrent:
Becoming a victim of crime is never a pleasant experience. By installing a CCTV system you dramatically decrease your chances of becoming another statistic – CCTV acts as a deterrent because criminals know there’s a far higher chance of them being caught and identified when targeting premises with CCTV in operation. Having tough locks and reinforced doors to prevent break-ins is great, but having CCTV in operation to act as a deterrent in the first place is a much better idea.
2. CCTV provides evidence:
Should you become a victim of crime, CCTV provided high quality evidence that can be studied by the police in their pursuit of the criminals. If you have no CCTV setup in place, there’s no way for the police to identify the offenders other than any description you’re able to give them. CCTV is solid evidence when it comes to identifying and tracking down offenders.
3. Reduces stock losses:
It’s not just those after hours break-ins that you need to be wary of when you run a business, it’s also those people that will attempt to defraud your business in broad daylight by walking into your premises and shop lifting. With CCTV in place you’ve got a deterrent which means stock losses will decrease. When you do discover missing stock you can then look back through the CCTV footage to identify when and how it has gone missing.
4. It reassures customers:
Whilst some customers might be put off by the presence of CCTV on your premises, the vast majority of law abiding people will be happy to see it there – it gives them reassurance that you take security and their safety seriously.
5. It can help in legal battles:
With the culture of individuals suing businesses for anything and everything showing no sign of letting up, CCTV often gives business owners hard evidence to support their side of the story. If a customer claims they’ve slipped on a wet surface the CCTV footage can be analysed to see whether water was introduced to the surface, and if so, how long prior to the slip it was introduced.
These five reasons alone should be enough for you to make your mind up in favour of installing CCTV on your business premises.